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So you REALLY wanna know more about me??? Ok... If you are sure ...

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Hi there! Thanks for visiting my Web Page. For those of you who followed a link to this page from my Yahoo Messenger profile, you either already know me OR you just wanted to know more about me without having to actually ask me directly. Either way, hopefully you will find some of what you were looking for within this site.

Ok, so I guess for the benefit of those of you who do NOT know me, I should introduce myself. My name is Shay, and I am a 28 year old Canadian mother of 3 children aged 6, 4, and newborn. I am engaged to marry a wonderful man named Eddie from Tennessee this coming winter. I have aquired many different skills over the past 28 years between life experiences and formal educational training including Interior Design, Nail Technology, Human relations, Counselling, Bartending and Music.

My favorite authors are Stephen King (The GOD of the horror genre), Anne Rice and Mary Higgins Clark. As for musical influences, my main focus at the moment is new country, however my beginning influences included bands from the Rock and Roll Genre including Janis Joplin, Heart, Lita Ford, Pat Benetar and Vixen.

Admittedly, I have a BIT of an obsession with the actor Christian Slater ( some of my closest friends would say that "a BIT" is the understatement of the Century, but hey this is MY site and I will call it as I see it, thank you very much! ) In fact I would LOVE to name a child "Slater" but somehow I always figgured Eddie would FLIP if I did... but lol if you haven't noticed, our newborn son is now named "Logan Dale SLATER James-Ray Guidry" guess I won after all huh? LOL.

As for my dislikes and pet peeves, there are only a few. I absolutely cannot STAND being lied to or disrespected. The fact that I get taken advantage of so often because I am the type of person who will do anything for those I trust and care about, just drives me crazy. Also, I cannot stand it when people try to push their beliefs, values and moral judgements on to me. We are all adults (for the most part) and we all have a right to think, feel, dress, act and live any way we please as long as in doing so we do not harm anyone else in the process. I think diversity in beliefs is a wonderful thing. It makes the world more interesting, and I feel it is something we should all cherish and be proud of. In my opinion noone has the right to push their value systems onto anyone else. Maybe it is just me, but in a way doing that almost seems like they are saying "you don't have the intelligence to make your own judgements" or "your beliefs are wrong because they are not the same as mine" Either way, I think that is absolutely terrible, but as I said, it's just MY opinion.

The other thing that irritates me to no end is the abuse and degredation of women, children and society in general. It seems like these days someone is always trying to hurt another person, just because it makes them feel "more powerful" to watch others suffer. It is one of the saddest and maddening things in society today, and somehow I hope tegether we can put an end to it.

Well, enough of this boring "WHO I AM" crap, I'll get off my Soap-Box now -lets get on with it, shall we?

Site Updates
sept 9/2002: new photos on photo pages 4 and 5. finished the birth story on photo page 4.
My Site
Ok this is VERY simple. It's virtually idiot proof (hahaha). All you have to do is click on the appropriate links at the top of the page to take you to the respective page within my site. Simple. Easy. Effective. Ok? OK!!!


This photo was taken of me and my fiancee Eddie in the stands of the Brooks & Dunn concert in Hamilton, Ontario on May 31,2002